Publications: PhD thesis
Van Hemert, M. (2008) Making rivers modular. Emerging river science 1980-2005 PhD thesis, University of Twente
Publications: reviews
Van Hemert, M. (2014) Losing the world knowingly. Survey review of J.-B. Fressoz l’Apocalypse Joyeuse. Une histoire du risque technologique. Paris: Le Seuil, 2012 and R. Williams The Triumph of Human Empire. Verne, Morris and Stevenson at the End of the World. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013. Metascience 23: 517-523 (sorry no open access, contact me for a pdf )
Publications: peer reviewed
Van Hemert, M. (2023, May 24). Food sovereignty. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. doi: (sorry, no open access, preprint Mieke van Hemert_Food sovereignty_ORE_published 24 May 2023
Van Hemert, M., Rao, J.P. & Ramnath, M. (2021) ‘The negation of change as a narrative strategy of control. The case of the Polavaram mega-dam in India’ in: Cortesi, Luisa and K.J. Joy (Eds) (2021) Split Waters: The Idea of Water Conflicts London: Routledge
Van Hemert, M. (2017) Speculative promise as a driver in climate engineering research: The case of Paul Crutzen’s back-of-the-envelope calculation on solar dimming with sulfate aerosols. Futures 92: 80-89. (sorry no open access, contact me for a pdf)
Van Hemert, M. (2013) Taming indeterminacy. The co-production of biodiversity restoration, flood protection and biophysical modeling of rivers and coastal environments. Science, Technology & Society 18(1): 75-92 (sorry no open access, contact me for a pdf )
Kwa, C. & Van Hemert, M. (2011) Engineering the planet: the issue of biodiversity in the framework of climate manipulation and climate governance. Quaderni 76: 79-89 (open access)
Kwa, C., Van Hemert, M. and Van der Weij, L. (2009) Visualising Landscapes: Do Pictures Represent Theory or Data? In: Scholten, H.J., Van de Velde, R., Van Manen, N. (eds.) Geospatial Technology and the Role of Location in Science Dordrecht: Springer
Van Hemert, M. (1999) Ruimte voor de ingenieur. Rivierbeheer in Nederland eind jaren negentig K&M, Tijdschrift voor empirische filosofie 23(4): 361-387 (‘Room for the engineer. River management in the Netherlands in the late 1990s’, journal article in Dutch). (contact me for a pdf )
Publications: research reports
Javier Asensi Moya, Balint Balazs, Lili Balogh, Stella Beghini, Stephane Bellon, Cian Blaix, Gabrielle Carvin, Viviana Ceccarelli, Julian Farges, Claudia Fernandez Gonzalez, Tommaso Gaifami, Lukas Hallberg, Jorunn Hellman, Mieke van Hemert, Stella D. Juventia, Jakob Katzlinger, Congmin Li, Paola Migliorini, Mina Milošević, Sara Monti, David Navarro-Miró, Alain Peeters, Martina Re, Katalin Rethy, Sergio Sánchez Taboada, Karla Škorjanc, Alexander Wezel Agroecology initiatives in European countries Corbais, AE Europe, 2020
O. Boucher, B. de Guillebon, L. Abbadie, P. Barré, S. Bekki, B. Bensaude-Vincent, S. Blain, D. Bonnelle, P. Ciais, F. Clin, A. Dahan, M.-L. Dangeard, R. de Richter, M. Dörries, L. Dumergues, B. Fisset, T. Gasser, F. Gemenne, S. Godin-Beekmann, B. Guillaume, M. Ha-Duong, J.-M. Laperrelle, P. Maugis, D. Montout, P. Perret, B. Quéguiner, D. Salas y Melia, F. Trolard, M. van Hemert, E. Vésine, et E. Vidalenc (2014) REAGIR : Réflexion systémique sur les enjeux et méthodes de la géo-ingénierie de l’environnement. Rapport Final, Paris, Mai 2014. (‘Systemic reflection on the issues and methods of geo-engineering the environment’, report in French).
Van Hemert, M. & Van der Meulen, B. (2010) Kennis bundelen in onderzoeksprogramma’s. Rivier- en kustonderzoek in Nederland Rapport Rathenau Instituut, Den Haag (‘Knowledge integration in research programmes. River research and coastal research in the Netherlands’, research report in Dutch)
Halffman, W. & Van Hemert, M. (2010) CSOs’ interventions into agri-environmental issues Final report, Co-operative Research on Environmental Problems in Europe (CREPE) WP5, November 2010
Van Hemert, M., Grin, J., Van Tatenhove, J. & Hajer, M. (2002) De Veluwerandmeren tussen maatschappelijke wensen, deskundige oordelen en bestuurlijke werkelijkheden. De beleving van IIVR onderzocht en beschouwd RDIJ-rapport 2002-16. (‘Veluwe Border Lakes between societal concerns, expert judgements and administrative realities’, research report in Dutch).
Publications: other publications
Mieke van Hemert, Wiert Wiertsema, Michiel van Yperen (1995) Reviving links. NGO experiences in environmental education and peoples’ participation in environmental policies. Amsterdam, Both ENDS
Mieke van Hemert (1993) Green and grey below sea-level. An access guide to environment and development organisations in the Netherlands. Amsterdam, Both ENDS